The Precision Micro-Orifices® are constructed of brass or stainless steel with orifice sizes from .0003" to .005" diameter. The orifices are used to accurately meter very low flow rates of gases or liquids. Optional stainless steel screens are available to protect the tiny orifices from minute contamination particles.
Unit of Measure


303 SS

Nominal Orifice Size




Maximum Operating Pressure

200 psig

Optional Screens

    Micro-Orifices® must be used with extremely clean fluids (filtered to .03 microns). Otherwise, there is a high probability of clogging the orifice with solid particles. Even with clean fluids, there is also the possibility of introducing contaminants during assembly of the fluid system. To minimize the possibility of clogging small orifices, it is recommended that screens be installed on the upstream and downstream sides of the orifice, to protect against handling contamination. Fifteen micron screens are normally used with Micro-Orifices®, to minimize contamination that occurs during handling or assembly. Screen material is stainless steel.


Replaceable - Type IALP


    Standard Precision Micro-Orifices® are produced with very accurate characteristics and are production tested at an air supply pressure of 25 psig. The Flow Data tab lists the nominal flow at 25 psig and the accuracy of the measured flow for each orifice size.


    Measured air flow data is optionally available. Twenty flow data points, over the specified supply pressure range, are measured with NIST traceable instruments.

Custom Orifice Sizes

    Custom orifice sizes, .0003" diameter and larger, can be produced to exacting air pressure and flow specifications. Using electronic pressure and flow measuring equipment that is NIST traceable, the custom Micro-Orifices® are produced to customer specifications. These custom orifices are available in types BLP, MLP, QXLP, IBLP, K4LP, IALP and Y2LPSS. A certificate of compliance to customer specifications is provided for all custom Micro-Orifices®. Contact factory for further details.

Connection A

1/8" NPT Female

Connection B

1/8" NPT Female

