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Four sizes of screen particle retention are offered; 10, 15, 25 and 100 microns. The stainless steel wire screens do not introduce loose particles into the fluid stream. The screens are thoroughly cleaned to prevent inadvertent introduction of contaminants. /Asset/miniature-in-line-screens-breathers.jpg
Precision Orifices
O’Keefe Controls Co manufactures a wide variety of precision orifices and assemblies for use in gas or liquid metering and control. With a production capacity second to none, O’Keefe offers standard and custom products in diameters as narrow as .0003 inches. Each and every device is accurately machined, thoroughly cleaned with advanced ultrasonic technology, and flow tested to exacting standards to ensure trouble-free performance and repeatability. Mass flowmeters are utilized for NIST traceable calibration. /Asset/precision-orifices.jpgCheck Valves
This miniature check valve line employs a free floating stainless steel or buna-n ball, which allows free flow in one direction; reverse flow is prevented. The valves are suitable for air, water, inert gases, light oil and liquids compatible with the materials of construction. The valves are fast acting and are suitable for long life applications. /Asset/check-valves.jpgMiniature In-Line Screens & Breathers
Fine screens are used to protect orifices and other critical components from the occasional particles that enter the fluid during installation or otherwise. They are not intended to replace normal filtration equipment, but rather to augment the protection of critical components in fluid control systems.Four sizes of screen particle retention are offered; 10, 15, 25 and 100 microns. The stainless steel wire screens do not introduce loose particles into the fluid stream. The screens are thoroughly cleaned to prevent inadvertent introduction of contaminants. /Asset/miniature-in-line-screens-breathers.jpg